Must Need Tech For Entrepreneurs Of 2023

The topmost technology every entrepreneur should know to leverage their business operation. Those are;

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).

2. Cloud computing.

3. Internet of Things.

4. Cybersecurity.

5. Blockchain.

6. Virtual and Augmented Reality.

7. 5G networks.

Why should you need those?

Let’s start with AI and ML. How they can help your farming business?

  • Predictive maintenance: Basically machinery or equipment is likely to fail on the contrary AI and ML can be used to analyze data from sensors and help users when might the machinery or equipment is likely to fail. That means you must have some warning before the disaster happens.
  • Health monitoring: AI and ML can be used to monitor the health of individual cows and identify early signs of illness or injury.
  • Feed optimization: By analyzing data on cow performance, feed consumption, and environmental conditions to optimize feed rations and improve cow health and productivity.
  • Herd management: With the help of monitoring and managing herd movements, feed consumption, and other key metrics, you can make more informed decisions about herd management.
  • Milk production: Milk production, includes factors such as cow breed, age, feed consumption, and health, to improve milk yields and optimize production.
  • Sustainability: AI and ML can be used to monitor environmental factors such as water usage, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions, helping you to reduce their environmental impact and operate more sustainably.

As an entrepreneur, learning about cloud computing can be beneficial in several ways:

  1. Increased Flexibility and Scalability: Cloud computing allows you to quickly scale up or down your computing resources as per the needs of your business, without having to invest in expensive hardware. This flexibility can help you respond to changing market conditions and meet the growing demands of your customers.
  2. Cost Savings: Cloud computing eliminates the need for large capital investments in hardware and IT infrastructure. You only pay for the resources you use, which can result in significant cost savings compared to traditional on-premise IT solutions.
  3. Improved Collaboration and Productivity: Cloud-based solutions offer collaboration and communication tools that can help your team work together more effectively, regardless of location. This can improve productivity and drive innovation within your organization.
  4. Access to Advanced Technology: With cloud computing, you have access to the latest technology and software tools, without having to worry about the cost and complexity of maintaining them. This can help you stay competitive and stay ahead of the curve.
  5. Enhanced Security: Many cloud service providers offer robust security measures to protect your data, which can be difficult and expensive to implement on your own. By using cloud services, you can benefit from these security measures and ensure that your sensitive information is protected

The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to greatly benefit new entrepreneurs in several ways:

  1. Cost savings: IoT devices can automate many processes, reducing the need for manual labor and lowering operational costs. By integrating sensors and other connected devices into your business operations, you can increase efficiency, reduce waste, and improve productivity.
  2. New revenue streams: IoT devices can generate new data that can be analyzed and used to inform business decisions, improve customer experiences, and create new revenue streams. For example, a manufacturer could use IoT sensors to monitor the performance of its products in real-time, allowing it to identify and resolve issues more quickly and improve customer satisfaction.
  3. Improved Customer Experience: IoT devices can provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, allowing you to personalize their experience and offer more targeted products and services. By using IoT devices to gather and analyze data on customer behavior, you can create a more seamless and engaging experience for your customers.
  4. Increased Competitiveness: By leveraging the power of IoT, you can quickly respond to market trends and customer demands, staying ahead of the competition. IoT can help you identify opportunities for innovation, improve your processes, and gain a competitive edge in your industry.
  5. Better Decision Making: IoT generates a vast amount of data, which can be used to make informed business decisions. By using this data, you can gain a better understanding of your customers, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions that drive growth and success.

Cybersecurity is critical for business owners for several reasons:

  1. Protecting Sensitive Information: Businesses often handle sensitive information such as financial data, customer information, trade secrets, and other confidential information. A cyber attack can result in the theft or loss of this information, potentially causing significant harm to your business and its customers.
  2. Maintaining Reputation: A cyber attack can seriously damage a company’s reputation, causing customers to lose trust and potentially leading to long-term harm to the business. Cybersecurity measures help prevent such attacks and ensure the public’s confidence in your company.
  3. Compliance with Regulations: Many industries are subject to regulations that require the protection of sensitive information. Failing to implement adequate cybersecurity measures can result in significant fines and legal consequences, potentially putting your business at risk.
  4. Avoiding Business Disruptions: A cyber attack can result in significant business disruptions, causing downtime, lost productivity, and revenue loss. Implementing effective cybersecurity measures can help prevent such disruptions and keep your business running smoothly.
  5. Staying Competitive: As technology continues to play a larger role in business operations, companies that prioritize cybersecurity will have a competitive advantage over those that do not. This is because customers are increasingly looking for companies that prioritize their data protection and privacy.

Blockchain technology offers several benefits for entrepreneurs, including:

  1. Increased Transparency and Security: Blockchain creates a secure and transparent ledger of transactions, reducing the risk of fraud and increasing accountability. This can help build trust with customers and partners, and increase the efficiency of business operations.
  2. Improved Supply Chain Management: Blockchain can be used to track the movement of goods, materials, and information throughout the supply chain, providing a clear record of all transactions and helping to prevent counterfeiting and fraud.
  3. Enhanced Customer Experience: Blockchain technology can help entrepreneurs create a more seamless customer experience by providing secure and decentralized access to information, such as product information, personal data, and financial transactions.
  4. Lower Costs: By removing intermediaries and increasing the efficiency of transactions, blockchain technology has the potential to reduce costs for businesses and increase profits.
  5. Increased Efficiency: Blockchain can automate many manual processes, reducing the risk of human error and increasing the speed and accuracy of transactions. This can help entrepreneurs focus on growth and innovation, rather than administrative tasks.

My opinion about the movie “Hawa”

বিশেষ দ্রষ্ঠব্যঃ আপনি যদি “হাওয়া” সিনেমা দেখতে চান তাহলে এই মন্তব্য পরার দরকার নাই। দেখে ফেললে আমার মন্তব্যের সাথে আপনার অনুভূতি মিলিয়ে নিতে পারেন বা শুধুই আমার মন্তব্য জানতে পারেন।

গোটা পৃথিবীতে মোটামুটি ৯/১০ রকমের সিনেমা বানানো হয়ে থাকে বা যে সব মুভি বা সিনেমা বানানো হয় তা এই সব রকমের মধ্যেই পরে। এখানে রকম বলতে আমি Genre বলছি। রকমগুলো এইভাবে লিস্ট করা যায়, বিস্তারিত এইখানে পাওয়া যাবে (ক্লিক করলে)।

  1. Action.
  2. Adventure.
  3. Comedy.
  4. Crime and mystery.
  5. Fantasy.
  6. Historical.
  7. Horror.
  8. Romance.
  9. Satire.
  10. Science fiction.
  11. Speculative.
  12. Thriller.
  13. Western

উপরের যে কোন ১টি বা একাধিকের সমন্বয়য়ে আমরা সিনেমা দেখতে পাই। কিন্তু, আমি “হাওয়া” দেখে কোন ক্যাটাগরিতে ফেলতে পারছি না। হয়ত -বা আমি বুঝতে পারি নাই।

এইবার বলি গল্প বলার (Story Telling) ধরন নিয়ে। Donald Miller নামে একজন লেখক তার বহুল আলোচিত বই (Building a Story Brand)গল্প বলার সাধারন ফ্রেম-ওয়ার্ক করার চেষ্টা করেছেন। সেটি এইরকম;

যতগুলো ভাল সিনেমা বা সিরিয়াল আমরা দেখি সেটাতে এই ফ্রেমে আমি বা আপনি খুব সহজেই ফেলতে পারবেন এবং সবকিছুই যেন চোখের সামনে আছে এইটা মনে হবে। “হাওয়া” সিনেমার প্রায় ২৫ মিনিট চলে যাওয়ার পরেও বুঝি নাই কে সেই প্রধান চরিত্র? কি বা তার সমস্যা? সে কি করতে চায়?

এইটুকু বোঝা গেল মাঝিরা মাছ ধরতে যাচ্ছে সমুদ্রে, সাথে মাছ চুরি’র ঘটনা আর চুরি করা মাছ এর ভাগাভাগি নিয়ে কিছু সমস্যা আছে। তারপর আসলো একমাত্র নারী চরিত্র, তার সমস্যা বুঝতে পারলাম সিনেমার শেষ ভাগে কিন্তু এর আগে প্রায় সব পরুষই যে …লু……… সেইটা বোঝানের চেষ্টা। আর ভিলেন যাকে বানানো হয়েছে তার অভিযোগ তার নিজের করা খুন সহ সবই কালা জাদু’র প্রভাব! এই অভিযোগ বা সমস্যা কোনটাই দেখলাম না শুধুই মুখের কথায় শুনে গেলাম।

এইবার ডায়লগ এ আসি; মাঝি মল্লার মানেই যে গালাগালি ও মেয়েদের অতিরিক্ত হেয় করা মানে … “মা… ী” বলে গালি দেওয়া এইটা একদম পছন্দ হয় নাই। মনে হইছে তারা যে খারাপ সেইটাই বুঝানের চেষ্টা। আর ত ছিল কিছু চুলকানি দেওয়া ডায়লগ। এত বেশি গালাগালি না থাকলে কি হত কে জানে!

অভিনয় এর কথা বলতে গেলে ২/১ জন ছাড়া সবাই ভালই করছে কিন্তু গল্পের জন্য সেটা ম্লান হয়ে গেছে।

“সাদা কালা” গানের সময় শুধু দেখলাম দর্শকরা কিছুটা উচ্ছ্বাসিত এছাড়া আর কোন খানেই সেটা দেখলাম না।

সিনেমা শেষ হলে আমার বন্ধু রাসেল বলছিল; বাংলাদেশ এ “বেদের মেয়ে জ্যোৎস্না” যে হাইভ তৈরি করতে পারছিল তার ১০/২০ শতাংশও এরা করতে পারবে না। যা হচ্ছে শুধু ফেসবুক বা মিডিয়ার হাইভ এর জন্য।

আমরা সহধর্মিণী এই বলছে “এইটা কিছু হইল এর থেকে পারণ দেখলেই মনে হয় ভাল হত খালি সময় নষ্ট” । তার মন্তব্যে আমিই সব থেকে ব্যথিত করন এই সিনেমা দেখার জন্য সে অনেক আগে থেকে পরিকল্পনা করেছিল আর ভাল হবে এই আশা করেছিল।

আমরা আরেক বন্ধু রূম্পা, সে একজন ব্যাংকার তার ফেসবুক ওয়ালে কাকে যেন বলছে “এর থেকে সে নাকি ভাল সিনেমা’র গল্প বলতে পারবে!”। সেও কিন্তু এই সিনেমা দেখার জন্য অনেকটা পাগল ছিল।

পরিশেষ এ বলতেই হয় আমাদের দেশের সিনেমা আগের থেকে ভাল’র দিকে যাচ্ছে। এখনও যে যেতে হবে অনেক দূর। কারন পৃথিবী ত অনেক অনেক দূরে চলে গিয়েছে, আমাদের দর্শক আর আমাদের কন্টেন্ট বা সিনেমা দেখে না, প্রায় বেশিভাগই আমদানি নির্ভর।

Agri Community Radio in Bangladesh

The role of Agri community radio in Bangladesh

Agri Community Radio

(Role, Tentative Programs, and Community Engagement)


There is so much diversity among the farmer’s community here in Bangladesh. If we can take a close look, we may find the paddy plantation is much different from one district to another district and they are vastly identical. For instance, if we look out the district of Bogura, all the farmers normally plant paddy in a perfect row-column wise plantation, which is a really good way for plantation. Going more to north Bengal a district like Gaibandha, you may find a scattered ways of paddy plantation. And not only that, from irrigation to harvesting there are so many diversities among the community of farmers.

To reach out or engage with such a distinctive community FM radio station is only the cost-effective, sustainable, and environment-friendly communication tool for all stakeholders. Over the year, even during the era of internet and data connectivity FM radio stations indeed plays a vital role in the community. Especially in terms of certain instant emergencies like flash floods or outbreaks.

The general role of a Community Radio:

Community radio can play a significant role at the grassroots level for rural development. Among the top issues are; poverty, agriculture, gender inequality, education, and social problems.

The exchange of information, networking of groups, the provision of skills and training and undoubtedly are key elements of developing a community. A radio facility for a community facilitates the promotion of awareness of community groups and facilities in the area as well as provides the venue for the empowerment of these groups to use radio to promote themselves and to speak directly to the community.

For its proximate location to its clients, a Community Radio serves a local community of its interest. It is accessible to the community in terms of ownership, decision-making, and program output. In the majority of cases, programming is produced by the community, with a focus on local concerns and issues. Unlike in the case of the mainstream media, rather than merely talking about the community, the people themselves make the programs. This strengthens local culture with the recognition that this is their station; it becomes a forum for a wide diversity of local opinions and views.

The key role of Agri Community Radio:

  • To be a strong communication tool between stakeholders and framers.
  • To be a local metrological information hub.
  • Exchange of agricultural information and technology.
  • Establishing an agricultural forum for information gathering about the agricultural economy and market updates for Agri products.
  • Broadcasting the latest agricultural education and livelihood techniques for improvement.
  • Monthly crop updates for the community.
  • Engaging farmers to develop community.   
  • Sharing awareness about agriculture and other social issues.
  • Engage other communities like; students, and consumers of Agri products with the farmers.
  • Sharing knowledge with the farmer about government and other stakeholder offerings, grants, aids, and other valuable information.  
  • Ensure farmers’ right to information and community participation.

List of the programs we may run at Agriculture Community Radio:

  1. News about agriculture meteorological information.
  2. Agriculture market information.
  3. Monthly crop plantation advice.
  4. Recent development in Agriculture.
  5. Agriculture and Technology.
  6. Agriculture Quiz and Debate for students (School and College students)
  7. Agriculture talk show with farmers. (Talk show between farmers, Agriculture Officers, and other stakeholders) – (Recorded or Live)
  8. Successful Farmers interview. (Recorded or Live)
  9. My Agriculturalist Suggestion (Local officer will provide some suggestions on recent crops or plantations)
  10. Cultural Hours (Playing local songs, agricultural songs, and patriotic songs)  
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